

Impact on the Collective Claims and Conflict Resolution Strategies Related to Infant Policy Integration




The state adopts the policies based on the goals pursued by the state and provides a basic policy for administrative activities related to early childhood education. Therefore, early childhood education policy should be established organically in consultant with the social consent in advance. In most countries will bear the costs of child care and early childhood education can reduce the financial burden of parents and early childhood education consumers are able to understand the will of the government to support the child care services, which they need in a variety of way. The conflict is deepening - among policy officials, front-line institutions participating in policy implementation, and parents - surrounding the infant and early childhood education. And the conflict has caused the difference between this policy and claims that cannot find hardly a solution. In this study, we argue how the policy differences between groups involved in the policy to analyze the influence, to find the policy conflict resolution strategies.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Concept of Early Childhood Policy Conflicts
  2.1 The Policy Conflicts and Claims
 3. Research Design
 4. Analysis on how differences in policy assertions regarding integration of policies affect conflict resolution strategies
  4.1 Perceptions on differences in policy assertions
  4.2 Analysis on how differences in policy assertions affect conflict resolution strategies
 5. Conclusion


  • Kyung Hee Kim KWANGWOON Grduate school Of Administration


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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