

주요소와 수식요소를 이용한 독해력 향상에 관한 연구


A Study on the Improvement of Reading Ability Using Main Element & Modifier


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to consider a satisfactory method to improve reading ability by using Main Element & Modifier. Chomsky (1957, 1965) tried to analyze English sentence as not as set of words but phrase categories, that is, NP, VP, and so on. First, I have suggested several revised ph-rules including Main Element & Modifier on Chomsky's theory as follows: (1) a. S→ N P+ VP b. NP→(Det) (Adj) N {(ADJP) (PP) (S')} c. VP→(Adv) V ({NP/S}) (AdvP) (PP) d. AUX→ AGR + Tense + (Mod) + (Perf) + (Prog) Second, I have made ‘5 sentential forms of sentence' in school English grammar using ps-rules in (2). (2) a. Form 1: S→ NP + AUX+V (=9a) b. Form 2: S→ NP + AUX+Be + ({NP, Adj}) (=9b) c. Form 3: S→ NP + AUX+V + NP (=9c) d. Form 4: S→ NP + AUX+V + NP + NP (=9d) e. Form 5: S→ NP + AUX+V + NP + ({NP, Adj}) (=9e) Third, I have found one method to improve reading ability, that is, ① confirm Main verb of the sentence. ② distinguish Main Element from Modifier of the sentence. ③ translate the sentence after confirming the ‘5 sentential forms of sentence'. Students were taught with this method and it has helped them to increase their reading ability considerably.


I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경과 구범주
  2.1 이론적 배경
  2.2 구범주(phrasal category)
 III. 주요소와 수식요소를 통한 독해력 향상 방법
  3.1 주요소와 수식요소
  3.2 명사구(NP) 분석
  3.3 동사구(VP) 분석
 IV. 결론


  • 박현석 Hyun-seok Park. 세한대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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