

에밀리 디킨슨의 전쟁시에 나타나는 죽음 — 패시클 19를 중심으로


Death in Emily Dickinson’s War Poems in Fascicle 19


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Chang, Soonreal. “Death in Emily Dickinson’s War Poems in Fascicle 19.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 42.3(2016): 135-166. The years of the Civil War asked Dickinson to make 40 fascicles, which contain almost half of her total number of poems. Though her wartime productivity of poems was very high, her precise relations to the war are not so clear. This paper seeks to explore the nature of her “obliqueness” in her mention in the letter to Higginson in February 1863 which corresponds to the feeling of discomfort caused by the war. Reading some of Dickinson’s letters and the poem, Fas 19.6 “It don’t sound so terrible—quite—as it did—” (J.426), it analyzes her reaction to Frazar Stearns’s death at the Battle of Newbern, which was a hard blow to the whole town where Dickinson lived. Due to the trauma caused by the war casualties, she could not help but do a reassessment of the norms and fundamental faiths of the nation which were idealizing deaths under the ideology of patriotism and religious fervor. She became very critical of the ideological framework of society during the war and laid an emphasis on the enlarging vicious cycle of the innermost pain in struggling to overcome the terror of the war. In this sense, Dickinson’s Fascicle 19 was not a random collection of poems, but sequences based on the influences of the Civil War on her mind and her society as well. (Gwangju University)


 Works Cited


  • 장순열 Chang, Soonreal. 광주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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