


김애란 소설에 나타난 친근감의 착시와 연극적 가족진리


Optical illusion of intimacy and dramatic family-truth in Kim Aeran's novels


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is from the 7 novels written by Kim Earan, the aspect that family morality can change family-truth was considered by dividing the 3 domains of ‘a dead neighbor→a stranger →a dramatic family’ through optical illusion of intimacy. These 3 steps eventually correspond to the changing process that the meaning of internal family vacuum changes into revolutionary existence by 'vacuum of intimacy→existential value inherent in the vacuum → the optical illusion of intimacy'. From the novels Run, Daddy, Goliath in the water, and The greeting of love, originally, the farther in the novel is the family as a dead neighbor existed out of the boundary of family. Here the family is, at the first place, vacuum domain where the intimacy damaged. From the novels The greeting of love, I go to the convenience store, and Internal speaker, the family stranger was made due to impossible translation which could not sympathize with intimacy language. However the vacuum from the impossible translation indeed is the substance of the stranger and furthermore identifies that it is the ontology of human being that questions on the world. From the novels Flydatarecorder and Cuticle, the new type of family intimacy appears through the dramatic optical illusion about the damaged family. The dramatic family identify the revolutionary existence which materializes the family truth not family morality. These 7 novels have the meaning that family problems are reconstructed by a stranger's frame. We can identify that the stranger in modern world is produced inside of the circle of the family structure not outside of the circle of the family structure and that the unexpected language and behaviors from the stranger are a premise for organizing the new truth. Because of this, modern family is not the fixed meaning but the made family depends on situation.


1. 머리말
 2. 죽은 이웃으로서의 가족
 3. 이방인의 번역불가능성과 존재론적 지위
 4. 가족페티시즘과 연극가족
 5. 맺음말


  • 권유리야 Kwon Juria. 부산외국어대학교 만오교양대학 조교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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