


CNT의 배향 길이에 따른 CNT-Polyamide 복합재의 특성 변화 연구


A Study on the Change Property of the Composite of CNT-polyamide due to the Aligned Length of CNT

김경재, 송준혁, 박영수, 오제하, 강신재, 양성모

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The characteristics of CNT-Polyamide composites were analyzed, that is, tensile strength, electrical resistivity, and thermal conductivity were measured according to the align length of CNT. There have been researches on the influence of aligned CNT to improve the mechanical and thermal characteristics in different areas including absorption and shielding of electromagnetic wave, thermal distribution or absorption, and high-strength of CNT. The aligned CNTs were synthesized by the ethylene gas with a CVD device preheated at 650℃. CNT-Polyamide composites were produced with the mixing of solution. CNT contents were controlled from 1phr to 50phr in the polyamide-ethanol solution, and blended with the 700W bar-type ultrasonic wave for 60 min.. And then CNT-polyamide were precipitated by CNT- polyamide-etnanol falling into the cold water. After dried 12 hours, CNT-polyamide composite were pressed at 150℃~180℃ with 400kgf to get the thickness of 1mm. As the conclusions, aligned CNT bundles were dispersed by cutting of CNT to the aligned direction because of polyamide properties. Tensile strength and electrical resistivity were improved to the increase of aligned length of CNT. Thermal conductivity was little affected by the align length of CNT.


 1. 서론
 2. 배향 CNT 및 나노복합재 제조
 3. 결과 및 고찰
 4. 결론


  • 김경재 Kyoung-Jae Kim. Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology
  • 송준혁 Joon-Hyuk Song. Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology
  • 박영수 Young-Soo Park. Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology
  • 오제하 Je-Ha Oh. Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology
  • 강신재 Shin-Jae Kang. Division of mechanical system engineering of Chonbuk National University
  • 양성모 Sung-Mo Yang. Member, Division of mechanical system engineering of Chonbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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