

Case Report

건축노동과 스트레스성 운동에 의한 횡문근융해증상을 악화시키는 감기약 : 증례보고


Cold Medications Aggravated Rhabdomyolysis Symptoms Induced by Building Construction Work and Strenuous Exercise : a Case Report

윤현옥, 장윤진, 박시내, 최은주, 김수완

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Summary: A 21-year-old healthy Korean man worked on a building construction site every day for almost 2 months and exercised every day for 1 or 2 hours after working hard. He felt dizziness, nausea, and experienced vomiting and body aches immediately after exercise and immediately took cold medicines including acetaminophen, cimetidine, bepotastine, and Codenal? complex for the common cold symptoms for 2 days because he was scheduled to participate in navy training at that time. He complained of severe trapezius pain and aches in his left calf 3 days after joining the Navy training. Testing revealed creatine phosphokinase (CPK) 6260 U/L, myogloblin 176 mcg/L in the urine, liver enzymes increased, and oliguria, suggesting rhabdomyolysis. He recovered with intravenous fluids without any complications.




  • 윤현옥 Hyonok Yoon. 경상대학교 약학대학 및 약학연구소
  • 장윤진 Yoon Jin Jang. 경상대학교 약학대학 및 약학연구소
  • 박시내 Si Nae Park. 경상대학교 약학대학 및 약학연구소
  • 최은주 Eun Joo Choi. 조선대학교 약학대학
  • 김수완 Soo Wan Kim. 전남대학교 의학전문대학원 및 전남대학교병원 신장내과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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