

지역정책 및 어메니티의 공간성과 창조성이 지역인구변화에 미치는 영향


Impact of Regional Policy and Amenity on Regional Population Growth

김경아, 조영민

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There were studies only about the appropriate size of city when it comes to regional population growth. However, since the Korea reached the lowest level of birth rate, and became super aged society, the demographic transition took main place in local policy. This study tries to explain local factors which effect not only changes of gross population, but working age population, youth population, gross population, and net migration etc. Particularly, Unless, existing studies about population size mainly explained regional spatial characteristics and amenites, this study adopted spatial innovativeness which is highlighting in 21C on existing research model: political factors and creative amenity. Subject of analysis is local government, the phase of population growth in capital area differs from non-capital area; capital dummy factor used. Also, by analysing cities and counties data separately, this study explains what kinds of differences that the factors affect population size of city area and county area despite local government. According to the result of empirical analysis, spatial policy, financial policy and population policy as political factors influence in the change of population size. Traffic accidents rate and low income group ratio among spatial amenity have a negative relation with population growth. 'Tolerance'(foreign population rate of increase) as creative amenity has significant positive relation with population growth, however, creative manpower(regional R&D population rate) has little relation with population growth. Population growth is also positively influenced by housing supply and capital area or not.


 I. 서론
 II. 선행연구 분석과 연구문제
  1. 정책요인과 인구증가
  2. 어메니티(Amenity)와 인구증가
  3. 통제변수로서 산업경제요인 및 지역공간특성
  4. 연구문제의 선정
 III. 분석모형 및 연구방법
  1. 변수설명 및 측정방법
  2. 분석모형의 특징
 IV. 인구규모변화에 미치는 영향 주는 기초지방자치단체의 특성
  1. 기초지방자치단체 인구증가율에 영향을 미치는 요인
  2. 지역 순이동자 규모에 영향을 미치는 요인
  3. 세대별 인구규모변화에 영향을 미치는 요인
  4. 분석의 시사점
 V. 결론


  • 김경아 Kyung-Ah Kim. 전북대학교 행정학과 교수
  • 조영민 Young-Min Cho. 전북대학교 행정학과 대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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