

후치부사절의 영한번역 순서화 양상 및 요인


Positional Patterns in Korean Translations of Postposed Adverbial Clauses in English, and Motivations for the Positioning.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the ordering distribution in Korean translations of postposed adverbial clauses in English, and motivations for the ordering. Based on Haegeman’s differentiation of adverbial clauses, the finite adverbial clauses from the English texts are classified into two sub-types: central and peripheral adverbial clauses. Central adverbial clauses and peripheral adverbial clauses that follow the main clause in English are shown to have different positional patterns in their Korean translations. Postposed peripheral adverbial clauses tend to be translated as the final clause, that is, the main clause, or as a separate sentence, while they tend not to be positioned after the overt subject of the main clause. Postposed central adverbial clauses tend to be positioned after the overt subject of the main clause, or precede the main clause. Most of the ‘event time’ adverbial clauses are shown to be translated in accordance with the principle of iconicity. This paper argues that the positional patterns in Korean translations of postposed adverbial clauses in English are motivated by syntactic, semantic, and discourse pragmatic forces.


 1. 서론
 2. 부사절의 의미기능별 두 유형
 3. 텍스트 분석
  3.1 원문 부사절의 어순 분포
  3.2 후치부사절 번역의 순서화 양상
 4. 결론


  • 김성옥 Kim sung ok. 대구외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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