

The Evaluation of the Regional Logistics Development in Shandong Province Based on Biclustering Analysis



Currently, the uneven distribution of logistics resources, the imbalance between supply and demand, and the unreasonable structure in the development of regional economy are important topics for governments and researchers. Innovatively, this paper uses biclustering analysis, which is a widely used method in bioinformatics, to evaluate regional logistics development levels. This paper deeply analyzes the similarity of similar regions under certain indicators from logistics demand as well as basic supply capacity based on the dimensions of logistics indexes and the actual circumstances of cities, and puts forward relevant suggestions through analyzing problems of logistic development of 17 cities in Shandong province. The results indicate that biclustering analysis can be very useful in providing reference for policy making on regional logistics development.


 1. Introduction
 2. Source of Data and Preprocessing
  2.1. Source of Data
  2.2. Data Preprocessing
  2.3. Clustering Tools and Methods
 3. Analysis on the Logistics Development Level Based on Biclustering
  3.1. Analysis on the Logistics Requirement Development Level Based on Biclustering
  3.2. Analysis of Logistics Development Levels Based on Biclustering
 4. Matching Analysis of Logistics Demand and Supply Level
 5. Strategies and Suggestions
 6. Conclusion


  • Zhang Lei Computer Science Department, Beijing University of Civil Engineering, and Architecture, Beijing, China
  • Ma Li School of Management, Shandong University, Jinan, China
  • Zhao Peixin School of Management, Shandong University, Jinan, China


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