

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) Mode Construction Based on WIFI M-Learning



In future, almost half of the undergraduate universities will transform towards the direction of application technology and vocational education and meanwhile accordingly assume the mission of cultivating high-quality skilled talents for the country together with existing colleges and universities. The basic educations of existing universities are restricted by such problems as shortage of teaching staff and high-quality courses for a long time, and the combination of M-learning and MOOCs will provide an effective approach for solving above problems. Large-scale and complete-coverage WIFI construction has been basically completed in university campuses and the number of students with intelligent terminals has been significantly increased, thus to basically form a good M-learning environment and promote M-learning from discussion stage to large-scale practice stage. Therefore, it is necessary to create MOOCs with higher education characteristics and establish M-learning environment in universities in order to make learners achieve effective M-learning.


 1. Introduction
 2. Current Situation of M-Learning and MOOCs in China
  2.1. The First Ten Years of M-learning in China
  2.2. MOOCs Situation in China
  2.3. Availability of M-learning Realization Condition for Higher Vocational Education
 3. Purpose and Significance of M-Learning Application and Establishment of Moocs with University Characteristics
 4. Main Contents of M-Learning Application and Establishment of Moocs with University Characteristics, and Key Problems to be Solved
  4.1. Main Contents of M-Learning Application and Establishment of MOOCs with University Characteristics in Higher Vocational Colleges
  4.2. Key Problems to be Solved
 5. Construction of WIFI, M-Learning and MOOCs Platforms in University Campuses
  5.1. WIFI Platform Construction in Campuses
  5.2. M-Learning and MOOCs Hardware Platform
  5.3. M-Learning and University MOOCs System Platform
 6. Conclusion


  • Wen Ying Changsha University of Science & Technology, Hunan Changsha
  • Li Hao Hunan zhongyi communication technology Engineering Co., Ltd, Hunan Changsha


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