In this paper, it is proposed to implement the image compression, encryption and ECG data compression using by binary description of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Binary Haar Transform and Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT). In this Binary Discrete Cosine Transform (Binary DCT), Binary Haar Transform and Binary Discrete Hartley Transforms (Binary DHT) are developed using the Walsh Hadamard transform (WHT). The resulting transform nearly exact the underlying transform very well, while maintaining all the advantages and properties of WHT. The Binary DCT is a well known sequency ordered Walsh Hadamard Transform (WHT), where as the Binary DHT can be considered as a new Hartley ordered WHT. Specifically, the properties of the proposed Hartley ordering are discussed and a shift copy scheme is proposed for a simple and direct generation of the Hartley ordering functions.
1. Introduction
2. Walsh Hadamard Transform (WHT)
3. DCT, Signed DCT and Binary DCT
4. DHT and Binary DHT
5. Haar Transform and Binary Haar Transform
6. Image Compression
7. ECG Data Compression
8. Image Encryption
9. Conclusion