

An Image Spatial Domain Steganography Algorithm with High Payload, Commendable Perceptual Quality and High Statistical Un-detectability




The Octonary PVD algorithm is the method that simultaneously achieves three contradicting objectives, high payload, commendable perceptual quality and high statistical un-detectability. However, the Octonary PVD algorithm has a major defect that it does not embed the secret data in the optimum locations because it does not consider the use of different pixel groups will have different effects on the statistical undetectability and payload of the stego image in the process of embedding. In view of the above problem, an improved steganography is proposed. An improved objective function which is used by the PSO module is defined at first in this proposed method. Then, an improved data hiding scheme is proposed. The proposed algorithm is an improved method based on the Octonary PVD algorithm, and the improved objective function which be used by the PSO module is set in such a way that both perceptual quality and statistical un-detectability are considered. This proposed algorithm has high statistical un-detectability and high payload with commendable visual quality. An extensive experimental evaluation has demonstrated the excellent performance of the proposed algorithm compared with other existing image spatial domain steganography algorithms.


 1. Introduction
 2. Proposed Steganography Scheme
  2.1. Improved Objective Function
  2.2. Data Hiding Algorithm
 3. Experiments
  3.1. The Perceptual Quality Analysis
  3.2. The Statistical un-detectability Analysis
 4. Conclusion


  • Hao Huang Engineering Research Center of Internet of Things Technology Applications Ministry of Education, Wuxi, 214122, China
  • Zhiping Zhou Engineering Research Center of Internet of Things Technology Applications Ministry of Education, Wuxi, 214122, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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