

Location Fingerprint Positioning Technology using Bat Algorithm



A location fingerprint positioning technology method is proposed based on bat algorithm to improve the defect of traditional indoor location fingerprint positioning technology. These shortcomings include offline heavy workload, limited accuracy and poor robustness. The fingerprint database can generate using the middle point interpolation method and the method that channel attenuation model which instead of offline training stage. This stage realize the function of timing automatic databased updates. After that the database combines K nearest neighbor algorithm with bat algorithm in the stage of matching algorithm to realize the positioning function. Compared with the traditional method, location fingerprint positioning technology using bat algorithm reduces the overall positioning of workload and rapidly respond to the effect of the changing environment. Finally, localization performance test is carried out under the given simulation environment. The result indicates that this method improves the average precision than other algorithms about 23.14%, the vast most of the blind node position error range within 1.5 meters, which shows the advantages of positioning accuracy, robustness and adaptation to the changing environment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Location Fingerprint Positioning based on Bat Algorithm
  2.1. Overall Design of the Algorithm
  2.2. Location Fingerprint Positioning based on Bat Algorithm Technology
 3. Simulation Experiment
  3.1. Simulation Scene
  3.2. Result and Analysis
 4. Conclusion


  • Song Lixin College of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, China
  • Zhou Chuanbin College of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, China
  • Pei Heng Navigation and Control Technology Research Institute of China North Industries Group Corporation, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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