

The Research of Slots Allocation on Bridge Mode




Air transport worldwide is growing much more rapidly than the current airport systems’ capacity. This creates somewhat of a crisis for modern commercial aviation. In order to reduce congestion and delays, slots and slots allocation concepts had been put on for many years, but as the most scarce resources, all airlines wish get much slots as possible, So bridge mode was applied by the most areas. We analyzed differences of the slots allocation between in the bridge mode and in the traditional mode, and studied the slots allocation algorithm considering the minimum total delay rate. This paper approved the slots allocation algorithm could reduce the total delay and increase the flights volume, and showed a practical significance.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background and Literature Review
  2.1 The Concept of the Term “slots” and Slots Allocation
  2.2 Literature Review
 3. The Slots Allocation on Bridge Mode
  3.1 Introduction of Bridge Mode
  3.2 The Specificity of Slots Allocations on Bridge Mode
  3.3 Slots Allocation Algorithm on Bridge Mode
 4. The Slots Allocation Algorithm Example on Bridge Mode
 5. Conclusion


  • Shi Li-na Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai
  • Wan Li-li Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Key laboratory of National ATC flight traffic management technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu
  • Jiang Bing East China Air Traffic Management Department,shanghai


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