

Design of a Flyback Switching Power for Smart Meter



With switching power supply being widely used in Smart Meter, there exists more restrictions on the performance of it. This paper designs a single-ended flyback switching power supply based on LNK364DN chips which is used in intelligent single-phase table, Compares the advantages and disadvantages of the switching power supply and the traditional linear regulated power supply, and introduces the reaction type switching power supply design principle and working process. In order to satisfy the security requirements, this paper also designs the EMI suppression circuit, surge suppression current, clamp circuit, etc. The design process, including the maximum duty cycle including transformer, the primary inductance calculation, etc, of the flyback type switch power supply transformer is introduced in detail. The experimental results show that the switch regulated power supply has small volume, good electromagnetic compatibility, small ripple, low power consumption, high efficiency of AC/DC transform and excellent performance .


 1. Introduction
 2. The Overall Design Scheme
  2.1. The overall design requirements
  2.2. The Principle and Structure of the Switching Power Supply
 3. Design of Hardware Module
  3.1. Design of Input Rectifier Filter Circuit and EMI Circuit
  3.2. Design of Clamp Circuit
  3.3. Design of freewheeling circuit
  3.4. Design of Output Filter Circuit
  3.5. Design of Transformer
  3.6. Design of the Control Circuit
  3.7. Design of the Overall Circuit Design
 4. Results
 5. Conclusion


  • Fan jian-ying The higher educational key labortory for school of Measure-control Technology and Communication Engineering of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China
  • Zhang Yu-ling The higher educational key labortory for school of Measure-control Technology and Communication Engineering of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China
  • Shi Dong-qing Heilongjiang Province Electronic Information Products Supervision Inspection Institute,Harbin 150080, China


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