

Evacuative Path Design due to the Optimal Cost-Function Arithmetic at Compartment Fire



This paper proposes an optimal fire escape algorithm based on the A* pathfinding algorithm in building fire situations. This algorithm uses building map coordinates to generate the escape path while ignoring diagonal directions. A potential function is calculated by considering situational factors, such as fire location, smoke, and heat information, to estimate the effect on the user’s escapability based on his or her location within the building. The calculated potential function determines the path with the lowest cost and illuminates the escape route with leading lights to aid the user to escape hazardous situations that might cause loss of orientation. The proposed algorithm suggests safer, shorter paths and aims to safely lead people to exits while minimizing the dangers of smoke and poisonous gases inside buildings. The coordinates of a real-life building environment were obtained to prove the effectiveness of the escape-route algorithm. Simulation results provided different lowest-cost paths based on various building fire situations.


 1. Introduction
 2. Building Map environment and Fire detector information
  2.1. Building Map Environment
  2.2. Fire Information
 3. Escape-Route Exploration Algorithm
  3.1. Generating Paths based on Node Conditions
  3.2 Determining the Potential Function based on Fire detection
 4. Experiment Setup and Results
 5. Conclusion


  • S.C Moon Core Tech R&D Lab., LIGNex1, SeongNam 13488, Korea
  • S.G Lee Dept of Mechanical Engneering School, KyungHee University, YongIn, 17104, Korea
  • I.S Weon Dept of Mechanical Engneering Graduate School, KyungHee University, YongIn, 17104, Korea


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