

Smart Home Entertainment System with Personalized Recommendation and Speech Emotion Recognition Support


Zheng Wan

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper a personalized recommendation and speech emotion recognition based smart home entertainment system, which integrates multiple entertainment resources including online movies/TV serial, TV programs and online music, is proposed. The system is controlled by the smart phone through finger touch or speech, avoiding searching infrared remote controller. There is no requirement for luxury and expensive acoustic system or smart TV. Furthermore, advertisements are removed when watching online movies by capturing video source files and customizing the web video player. Massive design details are presented and discussed, including: (1) system architecture and functionalities; (2) design of the server and the smart phone APP; (3) details of personalized recommendation and speech emotion recognition; (4) design of database and some implementation issues, including web page source file crawling, regular expression based information extraction, resource searching and absolute progress locating of web video player.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Overview
  2.1. System Framework
  2.2. Functionalities
 3. Design of the Server
  3.1. Components of the Server
  3.2. Design of the Crawler
  3.3. Design of Resource Searcher
  3.4. Design of Online Resource Player
  3.5. Design of Infrared Module
 4. Design of the Smart Phone APP
 5. Personalized Recommendation
  5.1. User Interest Model
  5.2. Weight Updating
  5.3. Similarity Calculation
 6. Speech Emotion Recognition
 7. Design of Database
 8. Implementation Issues
  8.1. Crawl the Source File of a Web Page
  8.2. Regular Expression based Information Extraction
  8.3. Resource Searching
  8.4. Absolute Progress Locating of Web Video Player
 9. Conclusions


  • Zheng Wan School of Information Technology, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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