

Implementation of Arithmetic Logic Unit Using FINFET



Today to complete the extra and difficult task the demand of refining ability of a processor is increasing step by step which resulted in the more fabrication of components fabricated on a single chip as the Moore Law. But with accumulative in a module the noise rises. The ALU is a one of the most important functional units in any CPU. The ALU is a core of any system or any processor as well as the core module of the central processing unit CPU. Since mostly all the simple operations are executed by the support of ALU only. As the name ALU denotes arithmetic logic unit, therefore it is used to execute the arithmetic and logical task in a digital bit. So the ALU can be defined as the combination unit which is used to implement its logical and arithmetic function units. The determination of this paper is to implement the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) by a FinFet technique in 45nm. The work accomplished by ALU is Logic Action (OR, AND and EXOR) and Arithmetic action (ADDER). This result is before certain to the multiplexer and the result obtained is dependent on the input selector line. This result obtained is considered is in the term of average power and noise and paralleled with the dissimilar input value. The application takes domicile in a tool cadence virtuoso. In this paper is to present a modified low power ALU using Fin type field-effect transistors (FinFETs) technique and to compare that with the GDI technique at 45nm.


 1. Introduction
  1.1. Arithmetic Logic Unit
 2. FinFET Technique
  2.2. GDI Technique
 3. Logic Gates Using FinFet –
 4. Simulation and Result
  4.1. Waveform of ALU Using FinFET
  4.2. Parameters
  4.3. Parameters
  4.4. Graphs-
 5. Conclusion


  • Neeraj Jatav Research scholar, er.neerajjatav09@gm ail.com, ITM University, Gwalior (M.P.)
  • Ayushi Marwah Assistant Professor, er.ayushi10@gmail.com, ITM University, Gwalior (M.P.)
  • Shyam Akashe Professor, shayam.akashe@itmuniversity.ac.in, ITM University, Gwalior (M.P.)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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