

A Typeface Searching Technique Using Evaluation Functions for Shapes and Positions of Alphabets Used in Ancient Books for Image Searching



Various projects to digitize the document and book inventories around the world are proceeding recently. At the same time, utilizing the IT/ICT technologies for the paleographic works is becoming an interesting issue among the historical and academic circles especially in the Republic of Korea where both Chinese characters and native Korean alphabets have been used in their ancient articles. There are some subtle differences in the typefaces and Great Seals used in each dynasty or year depending on the writers or the popular writing style of the time. The typeface recognition technique proposed in this article includes an alphabet analysis DTW algorithm and an alphabet position analysis method to determine the periods and possible authors of old documents. The results of analysis showed that the former was more reliable compared to the latter.


 1. Motivation
 2. Objective and Scope of Research
 3. Contribution and Performance Evaluation
  3.1. Typeface Evaluation Function
  3.2. Alphabet Forms Search Evaluation Function
  3.3. Alphabet Location Search Evaluation Function
 4. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Jun-Ho Huh Department of Computer Engineering, Pukyong National University at Daeyeon, Busan, Republic of Korea
  • Kyungryong Seo Department of Computer Engineering, Pukyong National University at Daeyeon, Busan, Republic of Korea


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