

Diversity-Guided Dynamic Step Firefly Algorithm



Firefly Algorithm is a nature-inspired optimization method, which has been shown to implement well on numerous optimization problems. But it can easily fall into the local optima and low precision. Therefore, it is very important to overcome these defects. In this paper, we use a dynamic strategy for step setting, which takes into account the population diversity of fireflies. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm improves the performance of original firefly algorithm.


 1. Introduction
 2. Firefly Algorithm Schema
 3. The Proposed FA
  3.1. Population Diversity Definition
  3.2. Dynamic Control of Step
 4. Experimental Verifications
 5. Conclusion


  • Shuhao Yu School of Information Engineering, West Anhui University, 237012 Lu’an, China, School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, 230009 Hefei, China
  • Shenglong Zhu State Grid Anhui Electric Power Research Institute, 230601 Hefei, China
  • Renjin Liu School of Information Engineering, West Anhui University, 237012 Lu’an, China
  • Xiancun Zhou School of Information Engineering, West Anhui University, 237012 Lu’an, China


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