

A Cognitive Radio based for Smart Grid AMI Network using Adaptive Algorithm



Maximum utilization of unused license spectrum is one of key factor in cognitive radio network which can handle the large number of systems and devices connected on smart grid AMI network. The central intelligence control system has responsibility to accept new technologies and users for automation. To ensure a reliable communication in smart grid system through cognitive network, a minimum mean square error (MSE) signal using unused licensed spectrum (or frequency) is necessary to be detected with small decision error. In this paper, we introduce a user control wireless smart grid system with minimum MSE using LMS algorithm.


 1. Introduction
 2. Cognitive Radio
 3. Least Mean Square (LMS) Algorithm in AMI with Cognitive Radio Concept
  3.1 LMS Algorithm in Smart Antenna
  3.2 Implementation of LMS Algorithm on Cognitive Network.
 4. Simulation Result
 5. Conclusion


  • Prakash Thapa Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Mokpo National University
  • Shree Krishna Acharya Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Mokpo National University
  • Jong-Gil Paik Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Mokpo National University
  • Sang-Gil Choi Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Mokpo National University
  • Hae-Ji Jun Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Mokpo National University
  • Seong-Whan Kim Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering, Mokpo National University
  • Seong Ro Lee Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Mokpo National University
  • Yeonwoo Lee Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering, Mokpo National University


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