

Original Article

Effect of the kinetic variables and postural stability between bilateral in lower limbs by the Oreum trekking exercise : asymmetric index


Che-Cheong Ryew, Seung-Hyun Hyun

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aimed to analyze an effect of the kinetic variables and pos-tural stability between bilateral in lower limbs by participation of Oreum trekking exercise program and subjects participated were composed of adult male and female subjects (n=14) of 20s. Experiment was per-formed with the drop landing which can evaluate postural stability and kinetic variables between bilateral in lower limbs. peak vertical force (PVF) value showed significant difference with the less in case of post than before participation of Oreum trekking exercise. Also PVF of bilat-eral in lower limbs did not showed significant difference, and too the ef-fect of interaction. vertical stability index (VSI) and dynamic postural stability index (DPSI) showed significant difference with improvement of postural stability by Oreum trekking, but did not between bilateral in the limbs. Particularly the result of one-way analysis of variance due to VSI’s effect of interaction, showed the more influence on the improve-ment of postural stability in left leg after participation of Oreum trekking exercise. When consideration the above, the analysis result on asym-metric index of bilateral in lower limbs showed more symmetric pattern in post than before participation of Oreum trekking exercise program.


  Experimental procedure
  Analysis and process of data


  • Che-Cheong Ryew Department of Kinesiology, College of Natural Science, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea
  • Seung-Hyun Hyun Department of Kinesiology, College of Natural Science, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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