

관형사형 어미의 기능의미와 불명확한 가장자리 현상


The Functional Meaning of Adnominal Ending and Fuzzy Edge


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study presupposed that adnominal ending represented the logical order between the event of adnominal clause and the event and utterance time of main clause. This presupposition implied that ‘-eun’ signified ‘E1>E2’ or ‘E1>U’, ‘-neun’ ‘E1=E2’ or ‘E1=U’, and ‘-Øeul’ ‘E2>E1’ or ‘U>E1’. This study aimed to explore the change of the logical order adnominal ending connotes depending on different parameters, and the fuzzy edge indicated when the logical order was changed. That one sentence was interpreted in more than two logical orders was mainly due to the disagreement of the logical order between the order adnominal ending conveys and the event building a sentence. Adnominal clause combined with ‘-eul’ was considered as a combination of ‘-eosseul’ and ‘-Øeul’ because the logical order was changed according to the integration of ‘-eoss-’ and ‘-Ø’. In addition, ‘-eul’ was considered not to have the logical order of ‘E1=E2’ or ‘E1=U’ due to its maintaining the functional meaning of assumption. Lastly, through the meaning analysis of a sentence, adnominal ending conveyed the fuzzy edge and that was also restricted to only some syntactic properties.


 1. 서론
 2. 관형사형 어미의 통합에 따른 순서
  2.1. 주어 수식
  2.2 목적어 수식
 3. 불명확한 가장자리 현상
  3.1 ‘-은, -는’의 가장자리 현상
  3.2 ‘-은, -을’의 가장자리 현상
  3.3 ‘-는, -을’의 가장자리 현상
  3.4 ‘-은, -는, -을’의 가장자리 현상
 4. 결론
 참고 문헌


  • 김수태 Sutae Kim. 신라대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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