

Distributed Full Coverage WSN Protocol Based on Energy Self-Aware



With maximizing the coverage time by designing effective algorithm being the core problem for large-scale network, a kind of distributed energy-aware and coverage-aware full-coverage WSN routing protocol (DEAOP) is proposed in this paper. Protocol put forward in this paper adopts the cluster technology. Firstly, divide the sensor nodes into different clusters, with each cluster selecting the cluster head (CH) according to residual energy of the nodes and overlapping degree of the coverage area, and other nodes serve as member nodes of the cluster. Secondly, establish the main data transmission line constituted by cluster head CH. The transmitted data, together with the cluster head CH, is applied to calculate the cost of neighbor cluster head, and nodes with higher cost can be taken as the forwarding node for next group of data. The cost function contains relevant information on residual energy of the nodes and path loss; hence, the higher the cost is, the greater the residual energy and the lower the path loss will be. In this case, nodes with less residual energy will not become invalid prematurely due to being selected as the cluster head CH, thus avoiding the resulting short service life of network and balancing the network energy consumption. Finally, simulate the protocol and analyze its performance in network service life, coverage rate and energy consumption. The simulation results indicate that protocol proposed in this paper can lower the energy consumption and prolong the network service life, thus improving the coverage rate.


 1. Introduction
 2. Sensor Network Model
 3. Full-coverage Route of Capacity-aware Network
 4. Communication Module Design
  4.1. Realization of Server-side Communication Module
  4.2. Realization of Client-side Equipment Management Module
 5. Experiment and Analysis
  5.1.Network Service life and Energy Consumption
  5.2. Contrast Experiment of Ability Consumption
  5.3. Contrast Experiment of Coverage Rate
 6. Conclusion


  • Li Shuqiang College of Agricultural Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, 471003, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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