

Research on Developable Surface Modeling and the Processing Technology



A developable surface is a surface that can be flattened onto a plane without distortion, neither in angle nor in area. In mathematics, it is a collection of points with zero Gaussian curvature. The developable surfaces are of vital importance in modern industry modeling, whereas current business modeling software could only transfer a 3D model into an approximation of a developable surface. In this way, a methodology that could directly generate developable surfaces with no intermediate transformation is in need. This paper illustrated a modeling method based on dynamic programming, and further proposed a method for variational developable surface design. Finally, algorithm in this paper would be verified as valid and practicable by some design cases.


 1. Introduction
 2. Developable Surface Modeling Techniques
  2.1. Dynamic programming method
  2.2. Variational Interpolation Methods
 3. Experimental Results and Illustration
  3.1. Developable Surface Design for Multiply Connected Domains 
  3.2. Design for Composite Developable Surfaces 
  3.3. Quadrangular grid transformations for the optimal developable surface
  3.4. Aesthetic and Architectural Designs 
 4. Conclusion


  • Jun Tang Department of Communication Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen, Fujian 361024, China


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