

Cloud-Based Platform Solution for 5G Heterogeneous Networks



The future of mobile communications is expected to be very diverse from the way it works today. Researches in 5G wireless networks are actively developing and improving nowadays technologies. To assist the enormous mobile data, a huge amount of very small cells are expected to be deployed everywhere, including buildings and indoors, providing progress in the heterogeneous networks, which is considered as the main method towards 5G. Also, the 5G air interface and spectrum should be linked together with LTE and Wi-Fi to provide universal high-rate coverage. There are three technologies, mobile computing, wireless networks, and cloud computing that are converging into a field of Mobile Cloud Computing. With such massive heterogeneous networks, providers will face many difficult challenges in terms of procedure and administration, tiny cell deployment in economical manner, and intercell interference mitigation. Hence, cloud-based platform solution is great challenge for heterogeneous mobile and wireless networks in 5G.


 1. Introduction
 2. Evolution of 5G
  2.1. Spectrum Enlargement
  2.2. Spectrum Effectiveness Improvement
  2.3. Network Densification
 3. Challenges of Heavy Distribution of Small Cells
 4. Requirements of 5G Wireless Networks
 5. Heterogeneous Network and Cloud Association
 6. Conclusion


  • Kire Jakimoski FON University, Faculty of Informatics, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  • Oliver Iliev FON University, Faculty of Informatics, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  • Vladimir Bogoevski FON University, Faculty of Informatics, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  • Dejan Kochov FON University, Faculty of Informatics, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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