

On The Selection of Optimum Performance Bounds for CO-OFDM Systems Through Standard Fibers



Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) can accomplish high use effectiveness. Various system impairments affect the performance of system. So mechanisms should be adopted to improve the performance of the system. In this paper, a 40 Gbps optical OFDM system is designed. Comparative analysis of the designed system is done using different fiber standards and dispersion compensating mechanisms on the basis of transmission distance and SNR. From the present research, it is clear that pre dispersion compensating mechanisms perform better than post ones. The fiber standards considered in present research are SMF, ALCATEL, ITU G.652, ITU G.654, and ITU G.655. Of all the fibers, ALCATEL (D=8 ps/nm/km) is able to cover maximum distance i.e. 660km with SNR 30.08 dB. For rest of fibers, the performance was remarkable for few hundreds of kilometres and then degraded. ITU G.655 (D=3.78ps/nm/km) gives the best SNR i.e. 32.08 dB upto 418km then degrades due to less DCF fiber length to compensate for dispersion.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Description
 3. Results and Discussions
 4. Conclusion


  • Akriti Gupta Departement of Electronics and Communication, GNDU RC, Jalandhar
  • Jyoteesh Malhotra Department of Electronics and Communication, GNDU RC, Jalandhar


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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