During the past time information on internet increasing enormously which greed the attacker and invite them for attack. In order to provide protection from illegal access the concept of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is introduced. Intrusion detection system recognized as a powerful tool for identifying malicious attacks over the network. IDS works on the concept of string matching with the help of Detection engine. Detection engine of IDS uses String matching algorithm for comparing against malicious activities. This comparison takes enough processing time nearly 70% of the whole IDS processing time by improving performance of searching algorithm. In this paper, we proposed an enhanced version of Hash-Boyer-Moore-Horspool string matching algorithm by adding a single digit hash function for reduced the number of character comparisons and improve the efficiency of IDS by reducing the number of false positive match.
1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Boyer Moore Algorithm
2.2 Boyer Moore Horspool Algorithm (BMH)
2.3. Hash Boyer Moore Horspool Algorithm (HBMH)
3. Proposed Method
3.1. Algorithm for SDHBMH Pattern Matching
3.3 Flow Chart of Proposed Algorithm
3.2. Code Implementation
4. Implementation of SDHBMH
4.1. Rule used in Snort for String Pattern Detection
5. Result Analysis
6. Conclusion