

An Improved Evaluation System of Physical Education Balanced Development based on Distributed SVM Data Mining Algorithm




Support vector machine (SVM) is an important algorithm in data mining; it can transform the nonlinear classification problem into a linear classification problem by increasing the dimension of the data. The author points out the shortcomings of the traditional data analysis methods, and puts forward the method of complex simulation data analysis based on distributed SVM data mining algorithm. In the empirical part, through construct the evaluation index system of the school sports balanced development mode, the results show that the primary indicators of the sports balanced development are resource allocation(0.3774), school physical education process(0.2781), school physical education results(0.2450), and school sports social environment(0.1000).Overall, the balanced development of school physical education is a long and gradual process, sports evaluation index system also needs to be constantly updated and revised.


 1. Introduction
 2. Data Mining and Support Vector Machine (SVM)
  2.1. Structural Risk Minimization
  2.2. Structural Risk Minimization
  2.3. Support Vector Machine Model
 3. Sports Balanced Development Evaluation Index
  3.1. Index System
  3.2. Construction Principle
 4. Empirical Analysis
  4.1. Index Construction
  4.2. Parameter Test
  4.3. Sports Balanced Development Evaluation
 5. Conclusions


  • Benyu Xi City College, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, Shaanxi, China
  • Lina Gong Xi’an Physical Education University, Xi’an 710068, Shaanxi, China


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