

A Method of Network Public Opinion Analysis Based on Quantum Particle Swarm Algorithm Optimization Least Square Vector Machine



Prediction of network public opinion is a complicated prediction featuring poor information, small samples and uncertainty. A prediction model of network public opinion based on grey support vector machine (SVM) is specified to increase prediction accuracy. First, network data are preprocessed by text clustering, hotpot extraction and data aggregation. Then a time series model GM(1,1) is established and SVM is used to modify prediction outcomes of GM(1,1). At last, simulation experiment is conducted to test performance of the model. Simulation results indicate that grey SVM improves the prediction accuracy of network public opinion compared with traditional prediction models. The predictions have certain practical values.


 1. Introduction
 2. Preprocessing of Network Public Opinion Data
  2.1. Text Clustering
  2.2. Hotpot Abstraction
  2.3. Data Aggregation
 3. Grey SVM Model
  3.1. GM (1,1) Model
  3.2. SVM Model
  3.3. Workflow of Prediction Model of Network Public Opinion
 4. Simulation Experiment
  4.1. Data Source
  4.2. Data Preprocessing
  4.3. GM(1,1) Prediction
  4.4. Modification of Residual by SVM
  4.5. Performance Comparison with Other Models
 5. Conclusions


  • Bo Li Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun Institute of Technology
  • BaoXing Bai Changchun University of Science and Technology
  • Changsheng Zhang College of Information Science & Engineering, Northeastern University
  • Yixue Jiang Changchun Institute of Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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