

Impact of Power Consumption in Sensors Life Time for Wireless Body Area Networks



Wireless body area network (WBAN) is a communication standard optimized for low power devices and operation on, in or around the human body but not limited to humans used to serve a variety of applications including medical, consumer electronics, entertainment and other[1]. The challenge of WBAN is that the energy of the sensors is limited by the battery life that’s why the transmitting of data is not continuous for long time. This leads to poor efficiency of the WBAN because the continuous power decreasing is due to network operations. An algorithms such as MAC zigbee802.15.4 and adaptive reliable MAC are important to reduce the replacement of batteries many times and to save power consumption. In this paper we concentrated our study on some type of sensors, they are telosB, mica2, micaz, and imote2 depends on power consumption calculations using mat lab program and based on adaptive reliable MAC. We analyzed the sensors with several nodes and packet sizes, and calculate the lifetimes for all the sensors in WBAN. The results we obtained show a good performance of using Adaptive reliable MAC in Wireless Body Area Networks.


 1. Introduction
 2. Medium Access Control (MAC)
  2.1 IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee MAC
  2.2 Adaptive Reliable MAC
 3. Sensors Parameters and Life Time
 4. Simulations Models
 5. Simulation and Results Discussion
  5.1. Scenario 1
  5.2. Scenario 2
  5.3. Scenario 3
 6. Conclusion


  • Lana Ibrahim Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Red Sea University, Sudan
  • Hana Osman Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Red Sea University, Sudan
  • Abdala Osman Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Red Sea University, Sudan
  • Elmustafa Sayed Ali Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Red Sea University, Sudan


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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