

Architecture of Task Manager for Real Time OS Explaining Real Time Operating Systems Issues



Complications of embedded applications are increasing. Within due time delivery to the market is also a pressure. So, the demand and use of real time operating systems is also increasing. However, it is an redundant fact that the Real Time Operating System (Real Time OS) can significantly degrade the performance. To face performance degradation, a Real-Time Task Manger (RTTM) has been presented in this paper. The Real-Time Task Manger is a hardware based extension to the processor that decreases performance bottleneck attributed to Real Time Operating System. Real-Time Task Manger decreases these performance bottlenecks introduced by Real Time Operating System by its hardware based architecture. The architecture of Real-Time Task Manger is being discussed in this paper provides an aid to deal with some common operations of Real Time Operating System that reason the performance degradation. For example event management, time management, and task scheduling. These operations have a property of some inborn parallelism. The Real-Time Task Manger uses this property to complete these operations in a constant time, and as a result, minimizes the overhead introduced by Real Time Operating System. The proposed architecture yields two benefits: It reduces the processor time taken by Real Time Operating System, and improves the response time to a considerable amount.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background
 3. Related Work
 4. The Real Time Task Manager (REAL-TIME TASK MANAGER)
 5. Architecture
 6. Future Work
 7. Conclusions


  • Javed Ahmad Shaheen MSCS Virtual University of Pakistan


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