The potential of cloud computing for overriding the needs for deploying various infrastructures for running a server based services brought up a revolutionary change in the way the traditional demands of the people use to be handled. Cloud computing provides the software’s on pay per use option which make it easier for the people who are not able to meet the economic requirements. Since the whole scenario is beneficial to big industries like facebook, google, orkut etc , various order fields are also getting dependent on cloud computing. Since tons of data is uploading every second to the cloud server does needs to be mined properly for efficient data storage.in this paper we try to integrate the data preprocessing technique with data classification technique to mine big data’s of asthma based patients.
1. Introduction
2. Asthma Overview
3. Literature Survey
4. Proposed Approach
4.1 Data preprocessing:
4.2 Feature Extraction:
4.3 Patient Health Condition Classification:
5. Conclusion and Future Work