

The Analysis of Reverse Logistics Model in the E-commerce Models



The computer networks have rapidly developed, and its field of application is also vigorously rising for the past many years, especially electronic commerce. However, due to each link of the supply chain will return a large number of products, so e-commerce model in reverse logistics becomes the first difficult problem. In order to solve the problem of the return of enterprise products, we apply the principles of efficiency savings, and allow more businesses to benefit. Meanwhile Reverse Logistics Model concept came into being. This paper focuses on the background of reverse logistics and the current problems, in the same time, conduct a detailed analysis of reverse logistics model. We adopt QS_R strategies to improve and provide case which let people understand easily. Through this research we hope that government agencies and businesses can make more highly valued the importance of reverse logistics, and have a preliminary understanding reverse logistics models. Our aim is to better make outstanding contributions to our social-economic.


 1. Introduction
 2. Basic Theory
  2.1. Basic Theory of Reverse Logistics
 3. The Reason for the Rapid Development of E-commerce Mode of Reverse Logistics and Problems
  3.1. Cause of E-commerce Activities in Reverse Logistics
 4. Analysis of Reverse Logistics Model in the E-commerce Model
  4.1 Model Establishment
  4.2 Model Analysis
  4.3 Application of the Model
 5. Conclusion


  • Lingling-Chen Wuhan University of technology, Wu han, China, Yanching Institute of Technology, Langfang, China
  • Wei-Li Yanching Institute of Technology, Langfang, China
  • Huiying-Zhan Yanching Institute of Technology, Langfang, China


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