

Study on Evaluation Model of Attribute Barycentric Coordinates




The core of the comprehensive evaluation problem is how to distribute the weight of each attribute. The attribute coordinate evaluation model (ACEM) has realized dynamic distribution for weight according to the evaluator preference curve, but there still is a problem that maybe a few evaluation results are unreasonable after transforming from locally satisfactory degree to globally satisfactory degree. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes the improved attribute coordinate evaluation model (IACEM) which directly calculates the global satisfaction, simultaneously, gives the principle to determine whether the final evaluation result is reasonable or not, namely, the principle of weight priority is adopted for the evaluated objects with the same total score level, and the principle of total score priority is adopted for the evaluated objects with different total score levels. To eliminate the errors caused by the change of total score planes, this paper also proposes a parameter adjustment method. The final simulation verifies the correctness and the rationality of the improved model.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theory of ACEM
  2.1. The Most Satisfactory Local Solution under Certain Constraint Conditions
  2.2. The Most Satisfactory Local Solution Line
  2.3. Calculation of the Most Satisfactory Local Solution Line
  2.4. Conversion from Local to Global Satisfaction
 3. Problems of Current ACEM
 4. Solution of Global Satisfaction
 5. Evaluation Principles and Simulation Experiment of IACEM
 6. Conclusions


  • Guanglin Xu College of Mathematics and Information,Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce,Shanghai,China
  • Xiaolin Xu College of International Vocational Education,Shanghai Second Polytechnic University,Shanghai,China


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