

A Differentiated Virtual Resource Allocation Strategy Based on Game Model for Multi-tenant Applications



Resource allocation for multi-tenancy application is one key issue for cloud service providers. To deal with the competitive problem of limited resources among tenants, this paper proposes a resource allocation strategy based on game model, which combines tenants’ SLA and their resource utilization, in order to deal with the shortcomings of the traditional allocation strategies that consider few about differentiated resource requirements. A framework for multi-tenant resources allocation based on game is presented, and the corresponding game model is established. The related processes auction and resource allocation are designed. The experimental results indicate that it can meet the personalized and differentiated demand of multi-tenant better, and help to improve the system’s overall resource utilization and decrease the operating costs of cloud service providers.


 1. Introduction 
 2. The Game Model for Resource Allocation
 3. The Resource Allocation Strategy
 4. Experiments
  4.1 The Results of Experiment 1
  4.2 The Results of Experiment 2
 5. Conclusion .


  • Chen Ningjiang School of Computer Science and Electronic Information, Guangxi University, Nanning
  • Tan Ying School of Computer Science and Electronic Information, Guangxi University, Nanning
  • Li Xiang School of Computer Science and Electronic Information, Guangxi University, Nanning
  • Liang Xiaoyu School of Computer Science and Electronic Information, Guangxi University, Nanning
  • Huang Ruwei School of Computer Science and Electronic Information, Guangxi University, Nanning


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