

Component Based Software Engineering in Student Management System Domain : A Development for Reuse Approach



Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) research is an important emerging area of Software Engineering (SE) that supports and enhances evolution of reusable components useful for creation of software solutions. CBSE has assumptions that components exist in repositories, but this is usually not the case. That is, components are in want. The aim of this work is to design and build generic software components for student management system domain using object oriented methods. Analysis of major school management system functions, data and behaviours was done. Also, pattern-based domain engineering was conducted so as to identify structure points. This led to factoring out generically reusable components. Student management system components were created for implementation using a general-purpose distributed Component-Based Software Development technology model. Consequently, a framework for implementing student management system and related systems was provided. This would contribute to the body of the emerging CBSE practices.


 1. Introduction
 2. Problem Statement
 3. Aim and Objectives
 4. Methodology
 5. Related Work
  5.1. Simple CBSD Process Model
  5.2. Impact of CBSD on Software Development
  5.3. Reusability Tools
  5.4. Some Closely Related work
 6. Outcomes
  6.1. Fully Dressed Text based Use Case for the School Registration System
  6.2. Object Generalization
  6.3. Modelling Class Relationships for Registration
  6.4. Sequence Diagram
  6.5. Structural Illustration of Packages and Generic Components
 7. Conclusion and Future Remark


  • Olubukola D. Adekola Computer Science Department, School of Computing and Engineering Sciences, Babcock University, Ilishan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • Sunday. A. Idowu Computer Science Department, School of Computing and Engineering Sciences, Babcock University, Ilishan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • Adewale O. Adebayo. Computer Science Department, School of Computing and Engineering Sciences, Babcock University, Ilishan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria


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