

Test Framework Development for Software Reliability Test using Formal Method



This paper introduced formal method as a new method to evaluate the reliability of software that has been developed. By using a mathematical notation called formal specification, this evaluation method describes the characteristics and functions of system that includes software or hardware and proves what can be proved using a proving technique. It can give a clearer answer than other techniques because it guarantees completeness, correctness, and consistency, which are the general characteristics of math, and evaluates reliability by mathematical technique. Since it is difficult to express a mathematical notation in a UI, a framework was developed by using it to show the measured results on a screen like other general software. This framework was named FMTF (Formal Method Test Framework) and was made to test the program of general web development. For the performance experiment of FMTF system, the parallel test, loop test, conditional branch perform test, time control test, etc. of web program were experimented. According to the measurement result, the reliability was low in the beginning of project due to many factors such as analysis design but gradually improved by error correction and debugging. By suggesting a guide on how to correct what errors, the paper could also provide a method to improve reliability.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Studies
 3. Development of Test Automation Framework using Formal Method
  3.1. FMTF (Formal Methods Test Framework) Structure
  3.2. Main Function of FMTF
 4. Test and Experiment using FMTF
  4.1. Parallel Test
  4.2. Loop Test
  4.3. Conditional Branch Test
  4.4. Time Control Test
 5. Experiment Result
 6. Conclusion


  • Jeong-In Park EJSOFT.Corp.
  • Jin-Tak Choi Dept. of computer science Eng., Incheon National University, Korea


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