The theoretical information of hadronic interactions according to the basis investigation of the multiple scattering process theory is described. Nowadays multi-particle reactions on the hadronic targets are attracting a great attention. To survey strong interaction of jet particles with quarks that are inside a hadrons1, we can use the estimate called high energy approximation2 theory that known very well in nuclear physics. This estimate describes collision and interactions of jet particles with quarks and scattering from multi-focus hadrons like diffraction phenomenon in optics. Glauber multiple scattering process theory may apply in analyzing elastic and inelastic collision of hadrons in a range of high energy levels. In elastic collision, scattering amplitude is equal to total ranges of multiple collisions inside the hadrons. It’s possible to express Glauber multiple scattering factors in a form of mathematics series. So that each elements shows the number of occurred scattering inside the hadrons. Determination of scattering amplitude by the high energy approximation depends on elected primary coming wave function of the shot particle and function of out coming wave from the target nucleus. Therefore it’s not so hard to determine scattering amplitude. The main purpose of this paper is to show how to determine mathematical formula for differential cross section of jet particles in high energy levels with a hadron in cluster model (qq, qq)3.
1. Introduction
2. Hadronic Interactions
3. Three Body Hamiltonian
4. Theoretical Frameworks of Cluster Model
5. Discussion