

번역가의 ‘전문성’ 개념 변화의 필요성 — 디지털 시대 ‘비전문가’ 번역을 중심으로


Revisiting the traditional criteria for “professionalism” of translators - Focusing on the emergence of “non-professionals” in the digital era.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper starts from questioning whether it is appropriate to describe a newly emerging group of user-translators as “non-professionals” just because they do not receive formal training in translation. Unlike traditional non-professional translators, these volunteer translators participating in translation of webtoons, free open-source softwares(FOSS), games, educational contents, news articles and subtitles for dramas, have domain knowledge and high level of digital proficiency. They work online in collaboration with other like-minded people with the help of computer aided translation tools and hold online discussion forums on translation related topics. In commercialized cases, quality control and evaluation are done through peer-reviews, voting, and revision by professionals. Through collaboration, discussions, usage of CAT tools and division of works, their lack of professional competence is compensated. With a dramatic increase in the volume of online contents which need linguistic mediation, these volunteers contribute a lot in helping people enjoy the cultural and intellectual contents over language barriers. Considering the strength of these translators characterized by strong interest, genre knowledge, online collaboration, digital literacy, and language proficiency, the term “non-professional” referring to these volunteer translators is not quite appropriate; and the traditional concept of professionalism in the translation community largely based on translation education needs to be reevaluated.


 I. 들어가는 말
 II. 제도적 전문화 과정과 개인적 전문성을 기준으로 본 전문가와 비전문가
  1. 제도적 전문화
  2. 개인적 전문성
 III. 비전문가 번역의 특징과 장점을 중심으로 전문성 고찰
  1. 온라인상 활동하는 비전문가들은 누구인가?
  2. 발전 양상을 중심으로 본 비전문가 번역의 제도화 측면
  3. 개인의 전문성
 IV. 결론


  • 김순미 Kim, Soon Mi.. 숙명여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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