

Original Research

Development of a Fission Product Transport Module Predicting the Behavior of Radiological Materials during Severe Accidents in a Nuclear Power Plant


Hyung Seok Kang, Bo Wook Rhee, Dong Ha Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is developing a fission product transport module for predicting the behavior of radioactive materials in the primary cooling system of a nuclear power plant as a separate module, which will be connected to a severe accident analysis code, Core Meltdown Progression Accident Simulation Software (COMPASS). Materials and Methods: This fission product transport (COMPASS-FP) module consists of a fission product release model, an aerosol generation model, and an aerosol transport model. In the fission product release model there are three submodels based on empirical correlations, and they are used to simulate the fission product gases release from the reactor core. In the aerosol generation model, the mass conservation law and Raoult’s law are applied to the mixture of vapors and droplets of the fission products in a specified control volume to find the generation of the aerosol droplet. In the aerosol transport model, empirical correlations available from the open literature are used to simulate the aerosol removal processes owing to the gravitational settling, inertia impaction, diffusiophoresis, and thermophoresis. Results and Discussion: The COMPASS-FP module was validated against Aerosol Behavior Code Validation and Evaluation (ABCOVE-5) test performed by Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory for comparing the prediction and test data. The comparison results assuming a non-spherical aerosol shape for the suspended aerosol mass concentration showed a good agreement with an error range of about ± 6%. Conclusion: It was found that the COMPASS-FP module produced the reasonable results of the fission product gases release, the aerosol generation, and the gravitational settling in the aerosol removal processes for ABCOVE-5. However, more validation for other aerosol removal models needs to be performed.


 Materials and Methods
  1. Fission product release model
  2. Aerosol generation model
  3. Aerosol transport model
 Results and Discussion
  1. ABCOVE-5 test condition and results [14]
  2. COMPASS-FP calculation results
 Conclusion and Further Work


  • Hyung Seok Kang Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea
  • Bo Wook Rhee Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea
  • Dong Ha Kim Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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