

한국 인문학

김공집의 독립운동


Kim Gong-jip’s Independence Movement


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim Gong-jib had taught students at three schools in Korea and overseas including Samak School, Shinheung Middle School and Yeongchang School for about 3 years, during which he saw the reality of those who lost their country and through other teachers with intelligible nationalism, he developed himself a sense of his own nationalism. After he studies English and Economics in Tokyo, he sought ways to be involved in the independence movement in Shanghai and Manchuria, manufactured explosives, organized 13 executives and worked as one of the executives to financially support the military of The Republic of Korea Provisional Government. He also worked as a pilot and planned to go to a flying school to be involved in the independence movement. However he was admitted to Guangzhou Military School instead of a flying school and couldn't continue his study for quite a long period. Later he went to Nojugangmudang, Handan Military School and Moscow Flying School, where he studied for 2 years. His wish to be part of the independence movement as a pilot seemed to be fulfilled 7-8 years later. However his plane crashed for mechanical failure, which killed him. His death was so unfortunate that he couldn't have a chance to realize what he wished for all his life, which was to be part of the independence movement. Nonetheless, he was still an activist of independence who dedicated his short life for independence of his country.


김공집은 삼악학교․신흥중학교․영창학교 등 국내외의 3개 학교에서 3년여 동안 학생들을 가르치면서 망국인으로서의 현실을 절감하였고 민족의식이 투철한 동료 교사들을 통하여민족의식을 키워나갔다. 이어 도쿄에서 영어와 경제학을 공부한 후 상하이와 만주에서 독립운동의 방법을 모색하여 폭탄을 제조하고, 임정에 군자금을 제공하기 위해 13도총간부를 조직하고 간부로 활동하였다. 그리고 비행사가 되어 독립운동에 참여하고자 비행학교 입학을 희망하였다. 그러나 비행학교 대신 광둥무관학교 입학이 결정되었고, 학업을 계속하지 못한 채 상당 기간을 보내야 했다. 그 후 노주강무당과 한단군사강습소를 거쳐 모스크바비행학교에 유학하여 2년여의 학업을 마치고 졸업하였다. 비행사로 독립운동에 헌신하겠다던 7,8년에 걸친 그의 계획은 이제 실현될 수 있었다. 그러나 그 희망은 비행기 기계고장으로 추락, 사망하면서공중에 산화하였다. 조국의 독립을 위해 모든 것을 바쳤던 김공집의 생애는 그래서 더욱 안타깝다. 길지 않았던 삶을 나라의 독립을 위해 헌신하였던 김공집은 독립운동가였다.


 1. 머리말
 2. 출생과 교육운동
 3. 무장운동 준비와 독립자금 모금활동
 4. 광동무관학교 입학과 수학 중단
 5. 중국무관학교들과 모스크바비행학교 유학
 6. 맺음말


  • 윤선자 Yoon, Seon-Ja. 전남대학교 사학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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