

SESSION 8 : 정보통신기술, ICT융합기술

재난망, 해상망, 수중망 통합 설계 Tool 기능 개발


Development of design tool for PS-LTE, LTE-M and DUMCN

전현철, 김태용

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



LTE(Long Term Evolution) is the evolution of the UMTS which are successfully commercialized in Korea and these make possible to deliver high quality multimedia services according to the users' expectations. As a technology, LTE has many unique characteristics that make it suitable for extension to services beyond basic mobile broadband. PS(Public-Safety)-LTE and LTE-M(Maritime) network in particular benefit tremendously by using LTE as the base technology, which not only fulfills the specific communication needs of emergency services such as robustness and low latency but are also supported widely in commercial cellular systems already in use by people all over the world. DUMCN(Distributed Underwater Monitoring and Control Networks) has some different characteristics(sonic wave, channel) compared to the former two networks, but it is also closely related to public safety. So we tried to develop the one tool for analyze and design for PS-LTE, LTE-M and DUMCN. For this, we list the technical requirements(for example geographic information, channel model, cell site DB) of each network in the field of design. And we researched relationship among them and possibility of development of one and the same tool for three networks. In this paper, we suggest a simulation tool which is possible to analyze and design totally for three distinction networks. These works can give a good insight of necessity of one simulation tool to increase the efficiency and performance in the field of public safety related networks(PS-LTE, LTE-M and DUMCN).


 I. 서 론
 II. 본 론
  1. Network 분석/설계 Tool
  2. 재난망 설계
  3. 해상망 설계
  4. 수중망 설계
 III. 결 론


  • 전현철 Hyun-Cheol Jeon
  • 김태용 Tae-Yong Kim


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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