

SESSION 6 : 디지털콘텐츠

중국어발음 한글한자음간의 규칙변환으로 스토리텔링 기반 기능성 중국어 교육시스템 및 모바일 어플리케이션 기술개발


Chinese education system on regulation conversion between Chinese phonics (Chinese Pinyin) and Korean-Chinese characters applied to storytelling based mobile application development

이지현, 맹수연, 이은령

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study on Chinese education, has constructed and implemented an easy way to study Chinese pronunciations by creating conversion rule set between Chinese pronunciation, Chinese Hanyu latin Pinyin and Korean chinese character pronunciation consisting of cho-sung, zhong-sung, and zong-sung. This study has established web version and application version of this conversion rule set education system to enhance Chinese education. Also, In this paper, we designed and implemented the smartphone serious application prototype for learning basic Chinese characters. Expression of Chinese characters, the comparison, voice recording and listening, learning information regarding those involved, and implement testing presented using casual user interface.


I. 서 론
 II. 연구배경 및 연구범위
  1. 스마트폰을 활용한 중국어 학습
  2. 중국어 교육용 어플리케이션 분석
  3. 중국어 규칙변환 교육용 시스템
 III. 중국어 교육용 규칙변환 시스템 설계 및 구현
  1. 중국어 규칙변환 교육시스템 구성도
  2. 중국어 규칙변환 교육시스템 개념도
  3. 중국어 규칙변환 교육시스템 입출력 설계
  4. 중국어 규칙변환 교육시스템 구현화면
 IV. 중국어 교육용 규칙변환기능성 어플리케이션 설계 및 구현
  1. 어플리케이션의 기능 및 알고리즘
  2. 어플리케이션의 기능 및 알고리즘
  3. 프로토타입 구현과 사용자 학습 시나리오
 V. 결 론


  • 이지현 Ji-Hyun Lee. 훈민정음중국어(주) 연구팀
  • 맹수연 Maeng-Soo Yeon. KAIST 문화기술대학원 박사과정(인터렉티브 커뮤니케이션)
  • 이은령 Eun-Ryoung Lee. 숙명여자대학교 특임교수, 훈민정음중국어(주) 대표


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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