


南波金天澤시조에 나타난 自然의 시적의미 再考


Reconsideration about the poetic meaning of ‘nature’ in Nampa Kim Cheon Taek’s sijo

남파김천택시조에 나타난 자연의 시적의미 재고


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims at reconsideration about poetic meaning of nature in Kim Cheon Taek’s sijo, based on the art trend of late Joseon dynasty. Studies about nature image in sijo have been made progress in many ways, but former studies usually focused on the linkage between politics and the poetic image of nature. Therefore, the nature image in late Joseon sijo, which were frequently written by middle class people like Kim Cheon Taek, wasn’t properly explained. Also, former studies overlooked the idea that sijo was written to sing. As this paper examined, the poetic meaning of nature could be diverse, because the most of sijos were song of the people in Seoul. Seoul’s art tendency was rashly changing in 18th century. This tendency made the nature image in sijo more consuming and poetic meaning of nature was getting closer to actual art circumstances. This paper is kind of case study to reconsider the whole idea of nature in sijo.


1. 들어가며
 2. 조선후기 서울의 市隱문화형성과 자연인식의 변화
  1) 경제적 여유를 바탕으로 한 소비적 태도
  2) 예인들의 정체성 확립 장소
 3. 南坡金天澤시조에 나타난 自然
  1) 내면풍경과 개인 공간으로서의 자연
  2) 관습적 의미항으로서의 자연
  3) 예술 향유 공간으로서의 자연
 4. 결론


  • 윤지아 Yoon, Ji-a. 고려대학교 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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