

萬世師表의 表象 <孔子行敎像>의 연원과 展開 과정


Images of Confucius Teaching His Disciples – Their Origins and The Process of Their Development

만세사표의 표상 <공자행교상>의 연원과 전개 과정


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Confucius (551 BC~479 BC, personal name: Qiu, courtesy name: Zhongni) is widely known as the great Chinese philosopher and educator of the Chunqiu era, and the founder of Confucianism. He was deeply revered by China’s rulers from the Han Dynasty onwards, and is still regarded as an “eternal teacher” and a saint in China and many other Asian countries. His teachings were later embodied in The Analects of Confucius compiled by his disciples. A large number of scholars, philosophers and men of letters have studied, and continue to study and shed light on his teachings. Many statues and portraits of Confucius were made over the centuries, and portraits and pictures of him came to be hung in Daeseongjeon Shrine (a shrine in which sacrificial rites are performed for Confucius and the great Confucian scholars), while the pictures of his deeds painted with various scenes were made and distributed throughout China, Korea, and Japan. These representations of Confucius depict him from diverse perspectives, and include images of Confucius teaching, surrounded by his disciples, riding in a large carriage, as an official in charge of a crime investigation, standing with a scepter in his hand or with a crown on his head, among many others. It is said that the first image of Confucius was made by one of his disciples named Zigong. It was during the Han Dynasty that a large number of records about his images first appeared. The oldest extant image of Confucius is a stone relief dating back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. Especially, depictions of Confucius’s disciples and his meeting with Laotzi, as well as pictures of ancient events, are kept at Wushici(Wu Family) Shrine in Jiaxiang County, Shandong Province, China. The images made during the Han Dynasty and thereafter are broadly divided into three categories, namely, “Confucius and his seventy-two disciples,” “Confucius and his disciple Yanzi,” and “Confucius teaching his disciples.” The image falling under the category of “Confucius and his disciples” first appeared as the theme of “Confucius’ Meeting with Laotzi” on the stone relief during the Han Dynasty, but through a process of several changes, such images eventually developed into depictions of “Confucius teaching his disciples.” Later, the images of “Confucius and his disciples” depicted collectively integrated into the images of Confucius alone, followed by separate images of him and his disciples. Many images were made for sacrificial rites or worship, while “images of Confucius teaching his disciples” have been made as prototypes of portraits showing him as an eternal teacher since the Tang Dynasty. This paper attempts to check to see how Confucius has been recognized in history by focusing on the process of development of images of Confucius and his disciples, from Confucius Meeting Laotzi during the Han Dynasty to the images of Confucius teaching disciples.


孔子(기원전551~479)는 이름이 丘, 字가 中尼로 春秋時代의 철학자이자 교육자이고 사상가이자 儒家의 始祖다. 孔子는 漢代 이후 歷代統治者들에 의해 최고 예우를 받으면서 단순히 儒家의 스승에서 머무르는 차원을 넘어 ‘萬世師表’가 되고 聖人으로 추대되었다. 그에 대한 傳記가 제자들에 의해 『論語』에 기록된 이후 수많은 학자와 사상가, 문인들에 의해 지속적으로 재조명되었고 더불어 肖像彫刻과 肖像畵도 제작되었다. 大成殿에 안치될 孔子像과 孔子圖가 등장했으며 그의 생애를 여러 장면으로 그린 孔子聖蹟圖가 간행되어 중국 뿐 아니라 한국과 일본 등에도 전해졌다. 孔子像은 그 형식에 따라 行敎像, 憑几像, 乘輅像, 司寇像, 聖像, 大成至聖文宣王之像 등 다양하게 분류할 수 있다. 孔子像의 최초의 출현은 孔子의 제자 子貢에 의해서였다고 전해지는데 孔子像에 대한 기록은 漢代부터 본격적으로 등장한다. 현존하는 孔子像 중 가장 오래된 작품은 東漢 때 제작된 畵像石이다. 특히 山東省 嘉祥懸에 소재한 武氏祠에는 인간세계를 표현하는 공간에 歷史故事圖와 더불어 孔子弟子圖와 孔子見老子의 그림이 등장한다. 漢代 이후의 孔子像은 ‘孔子와 72弟子像’, ‘孔子와 顔子從行像’, ‘孔子行敎像’ 등 세 가지 형식으로 전개된다. ‘공자와 제자상’은 漢代 畵像石에서 ‘孔子見老子’라는 주제로 처음 등장한 이후 여러 차례의 변용을 거치면서 ‘孔子行敎像’으로 전개되어 갔다. 처음에는 群像으로 등장하던 ‘공자와 제자상’은 孔子單獨像으로 수렴되었고 다시 스승과 제자가 독립된 형태로도 제작되었다. ‘孔子行敎像’은 孔子의 다른 형상들이 대부분 祭祀나 崇拜를 위해 예배용으로 제작되었던 것에 반해 만세사표로서의 孔子의 이미지를 대표하는 肖像畵의 典型으로 唐代부터 현대까지 지속적으로 제작되었다. 본 논문에서는 ‘孔子와 弟子像’이 漢代 畵像石의 <孔子見老子>에서부터 <孔子行敎圖>로 변용되는 과정을 살펴보고 <孔子行敎像>이 탄생하기까지의 전후 관계를 통해 스승 孔子가 역사 속에서 어떻게 받아들여지고 인식되었는지를 살펴보았다.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. <孔子와 弟子像>의 출현과 변용
  1. 孔子의 傳記와 孔子像의 제작
  2. 儒敎的 價値의 구현 漢代 畵像石의 <孔子見老子>
  3. <孔子와 弟子像>의 유형 분류
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 조정육 Cho, Cheung-Yook. 동국대학교 대학원 미술사학과 박사과정 수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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