

전문대생의 진로적응성이 구직효능감과 취업의 질에 미치는 영향 : 관광관련학과 졸업예정자를 중심으로


The effects of career adaptability on job search efficacy and a quality of employment among hospitality and tourism management college senior students

강헌주, 정지수, 이주형

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to investigate the effects of the career adaptability on job search efficacy and a quality of employment among tourism management college students in a longitudinal context. The data were collected from a survey of 272 college senior students in Kyongi, Daegu and Kyungbuk area. Regression analysis revealed that the career adaptability promotes on job search efficacy and thereby a quality of employment. The career concern had direct effects on job search efficacy. The career confidence had direct effects on job search efficacy. Also, the career curiosity had direct effects on job search efficacy. The career confidence had direct effects on job search efficacy. The job search efficacy had direct effects on a quality of employment. In addition, job search intensity had mediating role between career adaptability on job search efficacy and a quality of employment. The findings of current research carry important implications for career education and organizations. As career adaptability serves as a significant predictor for a quality of employment, it can be used as an important tool to diagnose the problems individuals may encounter in their school-to-work transition. For organizations, career adaptability can also be used as an important tool to diagnose the problems new employees may encouter in adapting to their working environments.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 진로 적응성과 구직효능감
  2. 진로적응성과 취업의 질
  3. 구직효능감과 취업의 질
 III. 연구설계
  1. 조사 대상과 자료수집 방법
  2. 변수측정
  3. 분석방법
 IV. 분석결과
  1. 측정도구의 신뢰도 및 타당성 검증
  2. 상관관계 분석
  3. 가설 검증
  4. 매개효과 검증
 V. 결론


  • 강헌주 Hunjoo Kang. 김포대학교 호텔조리과 조교수
  • 정지수 Jisu Jung. 인천문예실용전문학교 호텔관광과 교수
  • 이주형 Joohyeong Lee. 경기대학교 관광경영학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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