

Can Short-Selling Alleviate the Underpricing? : Evidence from the positive PEAD in the Korean Stock Market



This paper investigates whether short-selling facilitates arbitrage activity and mitigates the positive post-earnings announcement drift (PEAD), the well-known underpricing anomaly. Using the quarterly earnings announcement of the Korean Stock Exchange KOSPI200 composite stocks, we find that positive earnings stock in a difficult-to-short industry experiences larger and more persistent underpricing after earnings announcement than those in an easy-to-short industry; and that the observed larger underpricing in a difficult-to-short industry is associated with the short-sale constraint, not with their illiquidity or information inefficiency. Moreover, this inverse relation between the positive PEAD and its industry’s short-ability is stronger during the inactive equity linked warrant (ELW) trade period, thereby suggesting that short-selling alleviates the mispricing by facilitating arbitrage activities (not by the other channels); and ELW actually play roles as an alternative of short trade.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Literature
 3. Data and Methodology
 4. Empirical Analysis
  4.1. Summary statistics of sample firms
  4.2. Delayed price response for positive earnings announcement
  4.3. Robustness check
  4.4. ELW and the effect of short-selling on stock underpricing
 5. Conclusion


  • Shu-Feng Wang College of Business Administration, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Hyo-Jeong Lee Division of Business Administration, Kwangwoon University


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