BDM-NBI algorithm is proposed in this paper. It focuses on the analysis of a personalized recommendation algorithm that utilizes a weighted bipartite graph suitable for processing big data. To improve the performance of this recommendation algorithm through parallel processing techniques, a sparse matrix partitioning algorithm is then developed that uses the bipartite graph as input. Our algorithm adopts bipartite graph partitioning using a vertex separator method that partitions a high-dimensional sparse matrix into a pseudo-block based diagonal matrix. Then, the recommendation algorithm analyzes all weighted sub-matrices in parallel. We produce the global recommendation weighted matrix by merging all of the sub-matrices in parallel. Experiments with Hadoop show that our algorithm has good approximation for small matrices and excellent scalability.
1. Introduction
2. NBI Algorithm
3. BDM-NBI Bipartite-Graph Partitioning Algorithm
4. Experimental Results
5. BDM -NBI Algorithm
5.1. Experimental Results
6. Conclusions