

◇ 기획논문【 국학 4인의 생애와 사상 】

石儂 柳瑾의 항일민족운동과 사상


Seog-Nong Yu Geun's anti-Japan racial movement and ideology

석농 유근의 항일민족운동과 사상


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yu Geun's life, as seen from the foundations of the 《Hwang-seong newspaper》and《Dong-A Il-Bo》and his educational activities, greatly contributed to the formation of Korean modern racial speech and education. His anti-Japan movement started from Independence Society and Korean Self-strengthening Society is connected to the activity for Deajonggyo and Seoul Government Establishment Movement and shows the aspect of a racial leader.
His spirit for Korean literature shown on the activity for Jo-Seon Gwang-Mun Society and the publishment of history books certainly shows his aspect of cultural racialist revealing his deep interest in Korean history, culture, and language. He is a scholar of Korean literature. His ability is very high enough to teach Korean history and culture to Korean and to translate Chinese characters to Korean dictionary in 1910's. Having high tone in both Korean and Chinese literature, he is deserved to be estimated as one of the most famous fine writers of the day.
It is worthy of notice that the foundation of his idea on racial education and Korean literature Promotion Movement was deeply established on the idea of Deajonggyo. He was very friendly with the second head of Deajonggyo, Kim Gyoheon, and participated in the effort that they tried to serve Dan-gun as the sacred ancestor and revive racial spirit for the Anti-Japan Independence Armament Struggle of the day.『Dan-Jo-Sa-Go』in which the doctine of Deajonggyo and history based on Deajonggyo is reviewed,『Sin-Dan-Sil-Gi, and『Han-Guk-Tong-Sa』written by him and Park Eunsik are masterpieces showing his view on race and will for anti-Japan.
Compared with his contributions that he made for life to patriotic enlightenment movement, modern speech activity, and anti-Japan racial movement, we cannot stop to feel keenly the insufficiency of the estimation for his life and achievements. We just hope that his position is reestimated as a scholar of Korean literature and great thinker. Especially, we are expecting that fundamental studies are continued about his role and position as a leader of Deajonggyo Southern-Dobonsa.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 유 근의 성장과 교유관계
 Ⅲ. 유 근의 항일언론운동
 Ⅳ. 유 근의 민족운동과 사상
  1. 민족계몽운동과 국학사상
  2. 대종교 활동과 사상
  3. 동아일보 창간
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김명섭 Kim, Myoung-seob. 강남대학교, 한국사 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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